Owlpoo exhibited at the Dubai Character and Licensing Show!

October 27th-29th was a very important date for Owlpoo, as I was able to exhibit my website and show my work to all visitors. Thanks to eye of Dubai, an online portal for everything Dubai, I was given my own space and large TV screen to show Owlpoo on big screen.
It was a very sucessful event which was greatly receieved and a lot of interest was formed. Owlpoo made numerous new contacts, clients and business opportunites.
Owlpoo will shortly be working very closely with schools and now we are working constantly to create Owlpoo into education software for children.
With new inspiration, new stories will be added soon. There will also be an option to translate the stories into arabic and have an audio feature.
See below, a new set of desert character have been created. These will eventually be stories promoting wildlife in the UAE. These are organic illustrations showing the gecko, caracal, camel and falcon.
Owlpoo can't wait for next Dubai Character and Licensing show in 2010!

Organic Illustration