I firmly believe in self promoting whilst producing a product. I want the world to know what Owlpoo.com is about even before it is fully completed. A working progress, a suprise to the viewer each time he/she views the site.
Today I am giving a sneaky peak to which characters will appear in some of the stories. I've already mentioned a "foxgloves" story, hence the fox holding a glove in the image! So the other animals' poses will suggest what their story will be about.
Google analytics tells me that just over 100 people have viewed owlpoo so far, looking forward to getting the bussiness cards so I can use the power of "word of mouth" along with internet exposure!
I realised today that you have to be 100% in a good state of mind to animate. Any feelings of depression, hungover-ness and over tiredness and I cannot animate to my full potential.
In my next blog I may reveal an email I received which made me smile! :)
Enjoy the poster folks! Feedback much appreciated!
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