Monday, December 1, 2008

Owlpoo Updates!

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since my last blog, just thought I'd keep watchers updated on what's going on in the world of owlpoo!

The website has been launched and I'm beginning to promote it. I'm trying to hunt down a good printing company so I can print out business cards. I'm pleased with the preview site so far, but need to correct a few things. In the next couple of weeks you can expect:-

*A "Skip" button on the owlpoo animation, for people who don't want to see it again.
* A "loading" text on the first frame, because on most browsers, the first frame shows and then freezes to stream.
*A link to the content email. At the moment my contact details are up, but I want to change it so when you click on the contact, outlook express pops up so you can email instantly.
*A continued background image. At the moment, the border of the website is blue, soon, it'll just continue with my artwork. Trees etc.

That should be sorted soon website wise....on the content side of things.....

I'm beginning to create stories for the site and simple animations to accompany them
One story will be called "Foxgloves." I'm not going to provide a spolier on the story! ;)
Another will be called "Rainbow Rabbit"
I have started to create backgrounds for these stories, although it is difficult animating without my lightbox here in Dubai. I may find an alternative method or hunt down a lightbox here.

I also created an "Owlpoo font" the other day. It needs tweaking but I had fun creating it. :) I used a program called "Font Creator" to do this.

That's all for now, back to work! Please leave any feedback or comments!

Many thanks,

1 comment:

Stonecypher said...

I've not got time to read the story right now...but I've spotted four grammatical errors in the blog part above it :P

I'll try to remember to take a read of the story over the weekend, when I'm a little less busy!