Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Foxgloves - Final stages!

Well, good news in the world of owlpoo!
Yesterday, I finished the “Foxgloves” story. It contains 9 pages, with embedded text and images. It fits directly to the website dimensions. Everything is imported to Flash, so all there is to do now is to get the buttons working so you can read through each page, then continue when needed. It’s really rewarding seeing everything fit into place!

I’m looking forward to showing it to everyone, so it can be viewed on the site. I want to approach primary schools and younger children to get their feedback on the story and illustrations. If I get mostly positive feedback, I’d like to eventually add simple animations to the story.

Next time I’ll post here is when the Foxgloves story will be available to view off my site, in full finished glory!

That’s all for now, I’ll leave you with an example page from the story of Foxgloves:-

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